The Smartlock for Everyone

Smart access for landlords, single family property managers, multi-family managers, vacation rentals and most any other need.

What’s New with the MojoLock G4

Easier to Install

  New Designs

Improved Weather Resistance







Make Smart Access a Standard with the MojoLock G4

Buy MojoLock G4s right now and use them exclusively with the MojoAccess app.

MojoLock provides simple and intuitive smart access directly from the mobile app or by entering an access code on the keypad. Access is extremely versatile, with code restrictions by hour, by day, and for up to 28 months. No ShowMojo account is required, and no monthly fees apply when accessing only from the mobile app.

Give keyless access to vendors, staff and residents. You can use duration-limited codes, and even clear all access codes off the MojoLock. There’s no danger that a former resident (or anyone else) can gain access with an old code. Imagine the potential saving versus rekeying on every move out.

To learn more about MojoLocks or the entire ShowMojo platform, Get in Touch with one of our representatives today. Some monthly fees may apply, depending on your ShowMojo plan.

Introducing MojoKnob

The MojoKnob is the perfectly color-matched companion to your MojoLocks. It comes in all the same finishes, so your doors can stay stylish — and secure.

Need more than just access devices?

Let’s talk about true Leasing Automation for your business.

From marketing to online scheduling to prospect nurturing, ShowMojo slashes costs, reclaims time, and delights your prospective renters